Saturday, February 11, 2006

Body Prayer

Hey, how's it going? It's snowing outside. Expecting 6-10 inches. Thought I'd share where I've been growing spiritually...

In 2006 I've been teaching folks to pray "body prayers." Inspired by Doug Pagitt's book of the same title, this prayer approach is about giving our whole selves to God- body, mind, spirit, soul, strength, might.

Here are some "body prayers" I've been teaching.

With palms facing upward, raise the person or situation you are praying for up to God. Imagine that you are bringing your concern to the very throne of the Lord.

Then, with palms facing downward, bless the person(s) for whom you are praying.

Of course, you can add words to this body prayer- or not. The essence of this intercession is that you are lifting someone (or situation) up to the Rock of our Salvation, then you invite the blessing of the Crucified and Risen One who is present among us through the power of the Spirit.

One parent told me, "Thanks a lot!" when I modeled this one during a children's message. The kids really got into it.

Make a karate chop with your arm and say, "Hi-ya!" Then make a karate kick and scream, "Hi-ya!" As you do this, imagine the Lord busting down barriers because there are barriers everywhere...

Between God and people
Between races
Between spouses
Among nations
Within families
Between neighbors

You get the idea.

I came up with this one from my reading of Mark's Gospel.

When Jesus is baptized, the heavens burst open violently (hi-ya!), and the Spirit comes to rest upon Jesus like a dove. God busts through the barrier dividing heaven and earth.

Then, at the end of the Gospel, the curtain of the Temple is ripped (shredded, torn) in two as Jesus dies on the cross (hi-ya!). Soon after that, the Risen Lord is on the loose, no longer "confined" within the Temple or even within the Holy Land. Jesus is still on the prowl, busting down walls. Invite the power of Jesus to break down the barriers that you see around you.

Out of here!
We all encounter evil in the world. On TV. In our relationships. Within ourselves.

I see the demonic at work, dividing people and bringing them down. Can you believe that this former biology major, a scientist no less, sees personal evil (= wicked forces acting with intention) roaming around like a hungry lion, seeking souls to devour? Well, it's true. Observation. I can't believe the scientists don't observe it. At any rate...

In this body prayer, you make the "you're out of here!" sign like an umpire, signaling strike three. When I see "put downs" or terrorist attacks or whatever, I invite the Spirit's power against the evil by saying, "You're out of here!"

Body Prayer book
The above body prayers are my own creation. I highly recommend you check out BodyPrayer : The Posture of Intimacy with God (Hardcover)by Doug Pagitt, Kathryn Prill, Colleen Shealer Olson (Illustrator) for a wonderful treatment of this spiritual discipline.

Cool runnings and level vibes,

The Duh-sciple

P.S. I now lift you up to God, inviting His blessing upon you. Amen!


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