Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Who is worthy?

Beggar's hands, palms face upward, touching

That's how I come to the Lord's Supper

Unworthy, undeserving, needing life/forgiveness/hope

Yet Jesus says, "My body given for you, my blood shed for you."

What does this mean?

Worthy are the unworthy!
(the beggars, the struggling, the repenting)

Unworthy are the worthy!
(self-congratulatory achievers who pretend to have their acts together
tragically, at times, that's been me)

So many need to hear these words "given for you" and "shed for you"

As we leave the Lord's Supper, having tasted Jesus

May people see His Body in us

Eat what you are

So that you may become what you eat!


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