Monday, February 27, 2006

Holy Ground

Today didn’t go as planned. I went to the church office dressed like a bum. I was only going to be there for a few minutes.

What did it matter that I was in my sweat pants and sweat shirt with a baseball hat covering my non-shampooed-cleansed hair? I was going to work out at the fitness center, go home, shower, prepare for two Bible studies, an Ash Wednesday breakfast speaking engagement, Ash Wednesday worship, and the upcoming Sunday sermon.

Don’t tell anyone. I hadn’t even shaved. After all, following a great sweat, I was going to be at home for the rest of the day. No one was going to see me. I was just going to be there for a few minutes.

You know how it goes. My wife, Ann, and I arrived a little after 9:00am.

Then one conversation led to another to another and another.

Amazing conversations

Ultimate stuff

Life and death

Calling. What should we do with our lives?

Heaven and hell

Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.

If we love the people in our lives who are hurting, think how much Jesus must love them!

That’s how it went all morning. And I was just going to make a “guest appearance” and then disappear.

So it hit me. I realized that I am surrounded by some pretty amazing people. There are people at my church who are touching lives, quietly, powerfully, making a difference, and sometimes, I’m the only one who knows about it. And since it’s personal, I can’t blab the details to the world. But I got to hear about it. I should have taken off my shoes. The stories that I was hearing made me realize that I was standing on holy ground.

Around 1:20pm I made it to the fitness center. I finally got my workout and my shower at home. I wolfed down some lunch. Hey- I was hungry. Oh, and there was some progress on my Bible studies. Yet I was in a daze. Holy ground. At 3241 Church Road. On Monday, February 27, 2006! Not what I had planned.

There you have it.

Duh-sciple again,



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